Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito Photo by Ellen D Photography

IBPA Appoints Elva Resa’s Publisher, Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito, to Board of Directors

In February 2018, the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) named Karen a candidate to serve on its national board of directors for fiscal years 2019 and 2020. Her appointment was confirmed in April and her service began July 1, 2018.
Creating a Community through Stories feature article in Woodbury Magazine about Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito and her impact on local and national community through her company Elva Resa Publishing

Creating a Community Through Stories—Woodbury Magazine

Feature story in Woodbury magazine about Karen's work supporting military families and the importance of community in her life.

Radio Interview with Frank Gaffney, Secure Freedom Radio

Karen talks with Frank Gaffney, Secure Freedom Radio (Oct. 6, 2014 episode), about military family stories.

Interview with Jeff Cavins on the Rediscover Hour about Faith

Karen talked with Jeff Cavins on the Rediscover Hour (Aug. 15, 2014 episode) about  her faith and transition moments in her life. Karen sought out the support of other women during a difficult time in her life. That local group has flourished into a nationwide women’s ministry, Circle of Catholic Women.

Karen has appeared on radio, TV, and in publications across the country including:

Family News in Focus with Steve Jordahl

Positive Parenting Radio

The Jacey Eckhart Show

KMCD 1570 Live Radio Morning Spotlight with Steve Smith

Armed Forces Network Europe

CBS Channel 7
Noon Show with
Diane Rutherford

Associated Press,
Stars and Stripes
San Diego Family Magazine
Montana Parent
Catholic Spirit,
and more.

Set up an interview.